Welcome To Parent Information Night
Click on the image below to enter Bethany's back to school virtual information night. Feel free to visit every room in the school, but be especially sure to visit your own student's classrooms. Once you are finished with the tour, please head back to the virtual office to leave questions or comments. This year we will also ask families to complete Bethany's Fair Share Hours Contract online. Digital contracts can be found in the virtual office during the tour, or by clicking the link found lower on this page.
Welcome to Bethany Charter!!! To take our school tour, simply click or tap on items within each page to take you to different areas of the school. Use the virtual office below to get started. Use the signs that say "Go to K-4", or "Go to 5-8," to move around the school. Most items on the pages you open are linked to places to visit in the school. Once inside a virtual classroom, there are items to click on with links to view additional information or to watch videos. Thanks for taking our virtual tour --we hope you join us on our learning adventures!